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Archive for May, 2012

What is Android Apps?

Most people searches for very simple things, you will notice that the basic posts are more popular than core computing articles. What is Android Apps is such an aptly not answered question. Most new Android users do not want to What is Android SDK but What is Android Apps – they have no idea about what is Android Apps and we, standing in the middle of the developers cum sellers and these very honest group of keen learners who are asking that what is Android Apps, need to answer the question in plain English.

What is Android Apps?

Android Apps are programs like those you install on your computer. These Android Apps give us some extra specific features which were not present when you purchased the set. These have apk extension like the Windows programs have .exe, .msi extensions.

Understood what is Android Apps, tell me more!

As you were interested to know what Android Apps is, you might be interested to read about a comparison with similar kind of Mobile OS named Symbian. Some of these Android Apps are free (may or may not have Ads) and some paid. You must be aware that, some bad developer can push “codes” inside some Android apps which can steal your information. So, do not install relatively unknown or less voted apps.

What is Android Apps download place?

Officially you can download from Market place. Market place is itself an app and come with your set with an shopping bag icon –

You can go there and search with what you want. Select it and install.

What is Android Apps download place other than official Market place?

Google does not allow some Chinese sets to download apps from the Market place. There are lots of good blogs, forums where from you can download them. Also, we are launching a dedicated website which will list and allow all users to download the free Android Apps, wallpapers etc. The name is very easy to remember – Android Apps Free Download or just click here.

To know more information, please visit our website:

Google Search Engine Ranking Factors for your blog

Search engine ranking factors of Google are publicly not known. It is assumed that there are just over 200 ranking factors that have different importance for Positioning on Search Engine Results page.

Previously we wrote 50 Tips to get more traffic in your blog, this time we will write about probable points on Search Engine Ranking Factors.

How people know these Search Engine Ranking Factors

All these Search Engine Ranking Factors written here based on different webmaster’s experience after working with their websites years after years. SEO experts wrote in pieces about their experiences and assumed these can be among the Search Engine Ranking Factors in Google’s proprietary algorithm. Outside Google, no one knows what the points are and how the calculations are actually done.

But, checking these points will definitely help you to get a better position in Google search result only if your content is unique and great.

For additional information on Google Search Engine Ranking Factors for your blog : Top 40 points

Please visit our website:

How to change the smilies / emoticons in WordPress

WordPress offers a variety of native smilies automatically generated when you enter the shortcut to which they refer. For example, typing “:)” WordPress will convert the text into an image when the publication of an article for a smiley like this . Here is a simple trick that will allow you to replace default emoticons with your own what is sure to give a more personal character to your site or blog.

To know more, read-

How to change the smilies / emoticons in WordPress